Mayo Moments

Thursday, 10 January 2013

And the waiting begins.....AGAIN

Happy New Year from the Balints!  I hope this finds you and your family in good health and enjoying the return to school, work and normalcy.

The holiday season was busy and hectic and like so many other families was full of sickness.  That terrible flu/virus/cold thing that everyone you talk to had, hit our house as well.  Each of the kids had it to some degree, as did Paul and I.  Leah was one of the last ones to show the actual symptoms of the "flu" but she suffered from the side effects of her body trying to fight it off for days ahead of time.  On Boxing Day she was reduced to crawling or being carried - she had such terrible vertigo that she couldn't stand.  She had her usual hallmarks of an "episode"; blurry feeling in her head, right eye feeling funny, extremely cold, tired, weak, falling, dropping things and frequent sleep disturbances.  She missed out on fun activities with her siblings and her best friend.  

Her return to school has been pretty good so far, although on Tuesday there were tears, she didn't feel well, was tired and wanted to stay home.  Again we had to encourage her to push through it and hope that it would get better.

On Wednesday we returned to McMaster for another appointment with the Endocrinologist.  When we last saw him, he ordered an ultrasound on her thyroid because he could feel a nodule.  He also stated that any further follow up could be handled by her family doctor and he didn't need to see Leah any further.  Imagine my surprise when the office called to book the appointment!  We had already received the ultrasound report from Leah's family doctor and he had made it sound as if everything was normal.  

Realizing that everything was not normal, I began to do more research.  

By the time the appointment came, Paul and I had already reached a decision on the course of action we wanted the Doctor to take and I showed up for the appointment armed with documentation supporting our decision, prepared to duke it out with them.
What are thyroid nodules?
Thyroid nodules are growths in the thyroid gland, which is located in the front of the neck and controls many critical functions. Most nodules are benign tissue, but some can be malignant, or cancerous. Thyroid nodules are rare during childhood and adolescence, but they can and do occur. There are several types of nodules: Colloid nodule, a benign accumulation of thyroid cells forming one or more nodules on the thyroid gland; follicular adenoma (benign); thyroid cysts (usually benign), small sacs filled with fluid and sometimes with solid parts; Inflammatory nodules, formed as a result of chronic inflammation of the gland; thyroid cancer (typically hard nodules). Some nodules may affect the hormones produced by the thyroid gland, causing symptoms of hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid gland) or hyperthyroidism (over-active gland).

As it turns out, Leah has a pancake shaped nodule in the left lobe of her thyroid that has partial cystic qualities.  The nodule is over 11 mms at it widest section.  It is common practice that once a nodule is bigger than 10 mm, a Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB) is recommended.    

So before I even had a chance to put on my big girl panties and spout research stats, the doctor took the wind out of my sails by advising we proceed with the FNAB.
Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB)
Once the patient is ready, a small, fine-gauge needle is inserted into the nodule. The needle is smaller in diameter than the needle used in most blood draws (usually a 25 gauge 1.5 inch needle). The patient holds his breath while the needle is rocked gently to obtain as much tissue as possible. (The reason for holding the breath is to minimize movement of the structures in the neck.) The needle is then withdrawn and pressure is applied over the thyroid area to minimize bleeding. This procedure is usually repeated four to six times to ensure that an adequate amount of tissue has been collected. After the procedure, pressure is applied over the neck area for 5 to 10 minutes to assure that the bleeding has stopped. The pressure also helps to reduce any swelling that may occur. The entire procedure usually takes less than 20 minutes.

The doctor expects the FNAB to be scheduled within a month (I’ll believe it when it happens!) with the potential of a “pre-op” appointment due to her young age and the possible need of sedation.

He threw a lot of stats and numbers at me, most of which I was already familiar with. 

Here is the Coles Notes version:  

  • Nodules are uncommon in children, however they are upto 4x more likely to be malignant than in adults.  
  • It is estimated between 15 and 25% of nodules in children are cancerous.  
  • He was also very quick to point out that means there is a 75-85% chance that her nodule is not.

So we now begin a very LOOOOOONG couple of months of waiting and trying not to worry.

As always prayers are requested and very welcome!

1 comment:

  1. Hi everyone! Thanks for all the emails sending prayers and good thoughts. We appreciate all of it!
