Let's start with our overall experience - amazing! In every way. The hotel stay, Ronald McDonald House, every staff person, volunteer or nurse we saw - all amazing!
The doctors - Each doctor we saw took the time to review her history and come to the appointment informed but with an open mind. We weren't rushed, they took the time to ask and answer questions, each doctor at one point or another consulted with a colleague on our behalf. Each discussed with us the tests they wanted to order, what they expected the results to be and why they hadn't ordered others. We were active participants in each appointment. Our concerns were heard and addressed, our opinions and thoughts were valued and our hard work and research were appreciated.
I have already had one telephone conversation with a doctor since we have been home and have a few more scheduled. They are quite interested in being kept up to date on how she is doing.
The results - We are still waiting for a couple of bloodwork results to come back. The results that we are waiting for will tell us if there is one or multiple autoimmune issues affecting her. With autoimmune disorders, you can only treat the symptoms so we have gone ahead and started the treatment for Hashimoto's Disease and the seizure disorder. Leah started the medication on Friday and so far seems to be doing well. We haven't seen any of the possible side effects, which is very comforting.
We have ordered her a WobL watch, it is made specifically for kids with medical issues. It has multiple alarms to remind her to take her medications, the alarms can be audible or vibration. I have read some very good reviews about it.

We will also be speaking with the school to obtain the necessary paperwork for the No Child Without Program for a Medicalert bracelet.
We have been to see her pediatrician and he has agreed to re-write her prescriptions and order her follow up bloodwork. So that is a big relief.
Currently Leah is enjoying her time at the cottage with the rest of the family. I get updates throughout each day about how she is doing and Paul is keeping a journal to track her health and episodes.
Final Tally - we haven't gotten the final bill yet from Mayo, but I kept a very, very close eye on our account while we were there. The poor ladies in finance knew me by name! We are still waiting for the doctor's fees to be added to the bill. But at this point, based on the estimated amounts, we will come in under budget for the trip!
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